Newer dependencies for ad adjunctions algebra ansi-wl-pprint approximate base-orphans bifunctors bits blase bound bytes categories category-extras charset comonad comonad-extras comonads-fd comonad-transformers compensated compressed concurrent-supply constraints contravariant data-lens data-lens-fd data-lens-template discrimination distribution either eq ersatz exceptions fixed fixed-precision folds foreign-var free functor-apply gc gl graphs groupoids half hash hashable-extras hask heaps hybrid-vectors hyperfunctions hyperloglog hyphenation integration intern intervals ixset kan-extensions keys lca lens lens-action lens-aeson lens-core lens-properties linear linear-accelerate log-domain luthor machines monadic-arrays monad-param monad-products monad-ran monad-st monoids mtl multipass nats numeric-extras order-statistics parsec-parsers parsers perhaps pointed prelude-extras profunctor-extras profunctors promises rad rcu reactor reducers reflection reflection-extras representable-functors representable-profunctors representable-tries rope rounding search semigroupoid-extras semigroups sparse speculation speculation-transformers stable-maps StateVar stm-hash streams structs structures syb-extras tables tag-bits tagged tagged-transformer tasty traced transformers-compat trifecta type-int unamb unboxed-containers unique unpacked-containers vector-instances void wl-pprint-extras wl-pprint-terminfo zippers zlib-extras

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